Joy d’ Amour A Valentine for all Seasons

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. ~ Henry Van Dyke (author, educator clergyman in the ‘30s)

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about the cover of this issue of Cascade A&E. Not only have we created a fresh new look for the magazine but we have a sexy, dynamic work of art by the always effervescent Ms. Freudenberg gracing the cover. It doesn’t get much better than that.

And when you read the article on Dorothy you will surely be inspired even reinvigorated by art whereby the bubbly artist says: regardless what form of the arts you are in, those people (artists) have the task of showing all of us our higher self the most beautiful self, the poignant moments, the things people pass by without seeing.

We’re pretty confident we have found a vibrant piece of art that captures the essence of Valentine’s Day: the celebration of love affection between intimate companions as well as the devotion of feelings we share with friends family members.

Valentine’s Day is such a gr concept that we wonder why we don’t celebrate that day all year long.  A day filled with declarations affirmations of love, of yummy chocolates, true confessions, of singing Valentines, cupids (why does a rather short, chubby toddler represent love?) red hearts of wild distortions confections. Why only one single day of all that great stuff?

So much is written about the celebration of love from heart wrenching love stories that make you weep, sweet romantic stories that make you cry or funny love stories that still make you cry.

Everybody has something to say about love. Be it cynical, meaningful, sad, cute or funny, some antidotes may inspire strengthen your belief about love while others may be treated as cute jokes that reflect the complications of love. Either way, the fact that this day exists already goes to show love is all around us. Love the one you’re with. Love your kids, your friends, love your lover, your dogs (perhaps a cat or two) love, if you will, kindness, new shoes, chocolate, peace, artistic genius, fresh fallen snow, the moon, the stars — the blues the women of rock n’ roll.

Without love, what are we worth?  Eighty-nine cents!  Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking around lonely — according to beloved Hawkeye in Mash

As for love, someone unknown to me offers this: we are all a little weird life’s a little weird, when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them fall in mutual weirdness call it love.

This is what I know for sure: love in all forms is a good thing. It’s the joie de vivre of every important moment. The feelings that you have for others make a difference to you… certainly to them. At all costs please spread the gift of love, giving receiving at every opportune moment, out loud with enthusiasm.

As I say each February: for all of you who are choosing to read yet again my raptures on any elusive subject….I just love you!

by PAMELA HULSE ANDREWS Cascade A&E Publisher

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