((L) Jeff and Heather Thompson, (R) Sea Turtle 2021 by Jeff and Heather Thompson | Photos courtesy of Red Chair Gallery) The husband and wife team of Jeff and Heather Thompson have been creating beautiful blown glass together for two decades. Their colorful sea creatures and tall striped vases are sold in several galleries all…

(Respite II Dillion Falls, acyrlic,16×40 by Sue Lion-Manley) Sue Lyon-Manley is well known in our community as a plein air artist and art workshop coordinator through her business, Cascade Fine Art Workshops. When the pandemic arrived in 2019 and shut down everything, including her workshops, she also experienced some life-changing events, such as family issues…

(The Shadows Beneath by Michelle Lindblom) There is a little personal philosophy in every painting Michelle Lindblom creates. “I’m always expressing what’s inside of me,” she explains. Lindblom writes a monthly blog about her inner reflections and then uses them for artistic inspiration. Her abstract acrylic paintings and monotypes are showcased at Red Chair Gallery…