7 Tips for Those Moving to a New City

Human mobility is at an all-time high. In a world where, historically speaking, most humans never ventured farther than a few miles from their birthplace, the fact that millions of people are traveling thousands of miles to settle down in a new place is nothing short of amazing.

With that said, most long-distance moves are driven by pressure. There’s pressure to earn a degree and pressure to get a good-paying job. There’s also the pressure to escape oppression and pressure to ensure your children have better opportunities. Sure, many folks relocate because they like the idea and nothing more, but most do it because there’s no practical alternative.

The result is a world where people move to new places while simultaneously dealing with ongoing stress and anxiety. Any effort to alleviate the burdens of moving to a new city will be beneficial in improving their overall well-being.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at seven tips for those moving to a new city:

Check the cost of living

The first thing you should do before moving to a new city is examine the cost of living. It varies from one place to another. For instance, the cost of living in Missouri is very different from the cost of living in California. There are many cost of living calculators available online that allow people to see the difference in straightforward, comparative numbers. Generally speaking, it shows you how much rent is for a one-bedroom apartment in City A and the price for the same space in City B. There will most likely be a difference, which could be subtle or significant, depending on the cities.

Analyze the transportation situation

Many cities have elaborate mass transit systems for citizens to move around the map without getting behind the wheel of an automobile. Others are essentially built around motor vehicle traffic. Take time to determine whether or not you need personal transportation. That way, you can sell your car or make plans to buy one before making the move.

Make a point to make new friends

Chances are you don’t know many people in an unfamiliar city. The resulting loneliness and isolation make it difficult to adjust and settle down. With this in mind, take time to learn how to make friends in a new city and put those lessons into practice. True friendship is an organic construct you can’t force, but it always starts with meeting strangers. Do so safely, and you will soon develop a group of friends you can count on and vice versa.

Stay in touch

Don’t forget to reach out to friends and family back home. In time, your new city may become your home, but in the meantime, you probably feel homesick about the place you left. The people there feel the same, so make a point to stay in touch as often as possible. Thanks to texting, email, and video chat, it’s never been easier to do so across vast distances.

Use Google Street View to get acquainted

Don’t settle for some imagined version of your new home formulated through your imagination. You’re going to be in for a rude awakening. Instead, use Google Street View to familiarize yourself with the place you plan to live. Start with entering the addresses of potential housing to see the general location. Swap over to popular parts of town to put them in perspective. That way, you arrive with a sense of familiarity with the city.

Practice responsible exploration

Every new arrival to a new city should take time to explore the landmarks and other significant areas. For instance, you might as well get a trip to the Hollywood sign out of the way if moving to Los Angeles. Broaden your horizons over time, but always be mindful of where you’re going and avoid dangerous areas. As paranoid as it might sound, rough parts of town are no place for those unfamiliar with the area.

Prepare for unexpected challenges

You can’t plan for everything. Surprises will pop up, some of which will prove to be challenging. Rather than throw in the towel, consider adversity as a way to earn your place in your new community. Life is guaranteed to include hiccups and headaches. How you respond to these moments will be what defines your character to those around you.

Julie Steinbeck is a freelance writer from Florida. She enjoys covering topics related to business, finance, and travel.

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