(Photo above: Teapot by Dori Kite)
Perhaps you have been missing the sun’s smiling face because there has been so much smoke in the air, but at the Artists’ Gallery in Sunriver you will find jolly old Sol smiling in many of the art pieces on display. A great time to have fun and meet the artists is at the gallery’s Second Saturday celebration on Saturday October 14 from 4-6pm. Food, beverages, fun and beautiful art will be waiting for your enjoyment. Have fun at the party while picking up some Christmas gifts for those special someones who are a challenge for gift giving.
This month featured artists include potter Dori Kite. Kite always provides a beautiful selection of functional art such as cups, serving dishes, and the like. Each piece demonstrates the artist’s talented use of glazes and her unique and whimsical style. The bright blue and yellow swirls of Kite’s Van Gogh inspired teapot provide their own sunny atmosphere. Some of her newest pieces utilize ideas that were part of a dream that the artist had.
The series, entitled Beach, Bike and Bones, features sculptural wall pieces that not only include ceramic components, but drift wood from the beach, bleached animal bones, and various bike parts. (Kite’s other job is at a bike shop.)

Also featured this month is fabric artist, Nancy Cotton. Cotton seems to have captured the warmth of the sun in many of her pieces. Her technical execution of fabric pieces is only matched by the creative nature of the pieces themselves. You may drape a quilt around your shoulders for warmth and comfort or you may display it on the wall for all to admire.
Cotton’s talents are not limited to quilts by any stretch- you’ll be delighted by table runners, napkins, smaller hanging pieces, hats and much more.
Artists’ Gallery Sunriver Village, Building 19, 541-593-4382