Top Tips For Winter Activities and Pastimes

Fall is well underway, and the days are getting cooler and wetter. You might be thinking of winter evenings snuggled up indoors, and it’s lovely to be inside when there’s a howling gale blowing and rain pouring down outside. It’s not all doom and gloom, however, as there are the beautiful fall colors to enjoy, crisp and sunny winter walks, and for some people, the prospect of getting out on the ski slopes, so there are still plenty of ways for you and your family to enjoy yourselves over the winter months ahead.

Winter sports

If you enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and any of the other sports that rely on snow for the best experience, now is the time to be planning your winter getaway. If you’re a regular snow sports participant, you’ll know that your equipment needs to be taken out of storage and given the once-over to check it is in good condition and everything works. Boarders will need to have their boards waxed and surfaces checked to make sure they’re smooth, and it’s a good idea to try on all your snow clothes and equipment to makes sure it all still fits properly. If you’ve never been out on the slopes before, you should give it a try, as it’s an exhilarating experience. Look for resorts that specialize in helping beginners and have high-quality nursery slopes.

Winter Walks

Having dogs or kids are bound to get you out of the house and off for a walk, whatever the weather is like outside! If you feel reluctant about leaving your warm and comfortable chair to face the elements, just think how good it will feel to get some fresh air, stretch your legs, and blow away the stuffiness of your central heating system. As long as you walk briskly and wear appropriate clothing and footwear, you should stay dry and warm. Then when you return home, you’ll appreciate the home fires and the mug of hot chocolate that much more.

Winter breaks

The advantage of taking a break in the winter months is that there will be far fewer people around, which makes it much easier to see the sights and admire the views. If you like the quiet life, going on vacation or for a mini-break out of season can be a relaxing and stress-busting experience that will leave you feeling refreshed. Even people who enjoy a busy social existence and are glued to their electronic devices should give themselves a change of scenery now and again, and a chance to take a break from their normal lifestyle. If you like rivers and waterfalls, fall rains and snow melt can swell these natural wonders into impressive sights, and with the leaves off the trees, you’ll get an entirely new perspective on some familiar landscapes.

Winter in town

There might not be as many tourists around in the winter months, but most towns and cities continue to have extensive programs of events, parties, exhibitions, and indoor activities to keep the locals entertained. Take a look at what’s on in your local events diary or on the town website, where you’ll normally find a list of what’s on in date order. Doing so will enable you to plan for special evenings out and ensure you don’t miss out on any local events. Many theaters tour over the winter, and it’s a popular time for bands to play too; plus there will be all the seasonal entertainments like Halloween and Christmas themed activities to take part in. It’s not only local attractions that continue to attract visitors in the winter months, for example, but you can also still visit most major attractions, such as Madame Tussauds Waxworks museum in Orlando. You never know what you might find if you explore these famous attractions, for instance, you might like to read more info on some of the surprises you could enjoy on your trip.

Staying home

If it’s truly awful weather outside, and you feel stuck for something to do, there are plenty of ways to pass the time with your family:

  • Movie night is an old favorite, and there’s something magical about sitting together on the couch with big bowls of freshly popped corn, watching a much-loved family film. Kids always love movie night, but you can always have one of your own after they’ve gone to bed if you fancy scaring yourself with a horror movie as the branches outside scrape on your windows.
  • Games night might make you think of games consoles or multiplayer computer games, and that’s certainly an option; but how about getting some old board games out – or buying something new to try? Board games are easy to set up, most aren’t too difficult to learn, and they can provide hours of fun for everyone in the house. If you haven’t played Monopoly for a few years, or you fancy stretching your mind with a game of Boggle or Yahtzee, winter is the perfect time to get these timeless board games out of storage and remind yourself how much fun they can be.
  • Cook-ins are the winter equivalent of a summer barbecue, and because you’re indoors, you can be as lazy or ambitious as you like. Getting the kids involved in making a batch of cakes, flipping pancakes, or designing their own pizza toppings keeps them amused, and you end up with some delicious food afterward. Winter is a good time to try some new recipes that you might not have been able to make time for in the summer, and of course, there are some wonderful warming dishes like soups and casseroles that are perfect for cold winter evenings.

If the thought of summer disappearing into the rear-view mirror is getting you down, don’t feel sad, just think about all the opportunities you’ll have to do different activities over the winter. You can’t avoid the colder weather unless you’re able to spend the winter in warmer climates, so embrace the unique pleasures of the colder months, and remember, if it didn’t get cold in the winter, you wouldn’t appreciate the warmer days of summer so much!

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