4 Things You Can Do To Crush Your New Year’s Resolution

For many people, it feels like the holidays arrive sooner each year. Although that is not technically possible for that to be true, there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. Then, just when you think things are going well, you remember last year’s resolution and realize you let it slip away — again. That doesn’t have to happen, though.

  1. Set SMART Goals

Why do people make New Year’s resolutions, anyway? According to this article, it appears to stem from religious practices and is firmly based on the hope for renewal. Establishing goals to improve yourself as the new year rolls around has a long and storied past. Yet, modern science shows that there are certain things you can do to improve your chances of actually achieving them. One of those strategies is to establish SMART goals that are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound
  1. Take Baby Steps

Research shows that slow and steady is the way to go for lasting change. Did you realize it can take as long as eight months for a habit to form? That’s a long time to wait for change. Luckily, you can do little things along the way to help yourself move closer to the ultimate goal. For example, if you are trying to quit smoking cigarettes, you might find that transitioning to a product from smokethings could be helpful. Or, if you want to reduce stress, identifying and avoiding your worst trigger is an excellent beginning step.

  1. Plan Ahead for Success

Waiting to the last minute to set a New Year’s resolution is a recipe for disaster. Just like with anything else worth doing, you should expect to put serious time and effort into reaching your goals — even before the kick-off date arrives. Maybe you are a chronic procrastinator, or perhaps you just got lost in all the activity around the holidays. Either way, you find yourself facing the last week or two of December with no goal in sight. Don’t rush to develop a plan. instead, take time to decide what changes matter most to you. Armed with that information, you can establish a solid plan to work toward them.

  1. Seek Sources of Motivation and Support

Having a reliable support system can make or break your plans. Seek out people who share your goals so you can commiserate together and offer each other support. As a group, you can work to maintain motivation levels and keep moving everyone forward. Online or app-based programs are powerful tools for people who don’t have other ways of garnering support.

New Year’s resolutions are attainable with the right tools. Set SMART goals, establish a plan and take small steps toward the finish line. Remember, you can do this!

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