A Timely Acceptance to an International Exhibition

(Borders of My Mind by Marjorie Wood Hamlin)

Local Bend artist Marjorie Wood Hamlin has announced that one of her monoprints has been accepted into the Venice, Italy Borders International Art Fair, Fragmented Identities, this September 2020.

The festival appropriately gives this message:

“Never so much as at this time does the concept of the exhibition seem to be so appropriate. Since this tragic virus appeared, humankind coexists at a distance to stay closer. The new invisible borders generated by the COVID-19 are creating new ways of living everyday life; new human connections, re-thinking common spaces and entire cities. Could the new “borders” help be the solution to human understanding?” I think perhaps so by forcing creative methods of communication. It could be an unintended positive product of an unpleasant experience.

The mono print Hamlin chose to send, Borders of My Mind, compiles different directions and edges, representing methods people are using to keep in touch with one another while being a safe distance apart. Although there are variations in colors, shapes and sizes, as a whole there is harmony of pattern in the design and composition. May the future of our existence with COVID-19 come to a harmonious end. And may we learn by seeing between borders a new way to coexist with others in the world. Art is a great way to find common ground and to promote understanding between cultures of all continents. Keep the faith. This too shall pass.

View this and other mono prints and paintings at marjorieart.com.


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