(Artwork by Mark Seekins and Tim Green, photos courtesy of Flying Horse Gallery)
Flying Horse Gallery in Sisters will be showcasing the original five linograph prints and process images created for the new <i>Game of Thrones</i> covers. Attend the Meet the Artists on January 17 to explore their work and view limited signed prints available for purchase.
Flying Horse Gallery in Sisters has the exclusive opportunity to exhibit the original five linograph prints along with process images that resulted in the final production for the new Penguin Books Game of Thrones (G.O.T) book covers. The extraordinary concepts and linograph prints were created by the talented local artist Mark Seekins and Tim Green (art director from Faceout Studio book design) who worked directly with George R.R. Martin’s team.
On Friday, January 17 from 4-6pm, both Mark and Tim will be at Flying Horse Gallery to answer your questions and share their knowledge about the process and their G.O.T experience.
A very limited quantity of linograph prints, using the original lino cut block, signed by George R.R. Martin will be available for sale. Mark will also be showing and selling his original print work.

Game of Thrones: The Cover Story
Meet the Artists: Friday, January 17, 4-6pm
Exhibit: January 16- February 16
Flying Horse Gallery
161 South Elm Street
Sisters, OR 97759
A very limited quantity of the original run of linograph prints signed by George R.R. Martin will be available for sale. Mark will also be showing and selling his original print work.