New Perspective for October

Conversations become noticeably better after the 2nd. An increase in cooperation is evident near the 6th and it will be important to let go of old grudges. The Full Moon on the 9th brings new beginnings and changes in relationships.

Let go of second guessing yourself on the 11th and be sure you actually have all the information you need to make a good decision. Agreements on the 13th are helpful in your relationships with both love and money. You will know exactly what steps to take on the 17th and be enthusiastic about the direction you are going. Challenges on the 19th are short lived so let go of whatever it is.

Big decisions on the 22nd will be helpful to establish new guidelines. Everything gets more intense after the 23rd when situations become more emotional. The New Moon on the 25th invites you to make an effort to integrate with those around you. Step up on the 27th and take the high road if you want to have the best outcome. Slow down after the 30th and realize it’s time to back track a little before you move any farther forward. Listen to your intuition on the 31st and make the effort to trust, you will be glad you did.

Love and Light Always,
Eileen Lock
Clairvoyant Astrologer / Spiritual Medium
1471 NW Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon 97703

Listen for the song in your heart, find the melody and dance to the music.
Check out Eileen’s radio programs online at Cosmic Lunch Break on Mondays at 8am, What’s Up Wednesday at 8am and Talking With Spirit on Fridays at 8am.

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