Treat Mom for Mother’s Day

((Left) Sunriver Scene art glass by Heidi Brown. (Right) Platter by Diane Miyauch)

Mark your calendar for a wonderful way to treat Mom for Mother’s Day! Saturday May 11, (the day BEFORE Mother’s Day) 4-6pm at the Artists’ Gallery Sunriver come celebrate fine art and Motherhood with special wines and nibbles. Hang out with talented artists and watch them demonstrate their art.

Multimedia and acrylic painter Kelly Lish is presenting new pieces that include images of all the things that she loves in life! Smiling people, animals and flowers, brilliant colors, and happy feelings are featured. Lish provides a wide range of painting sizes so that the viewer can have a little happiness or a whole bunch of happiness. PS, Lish also creates the most amazing three-dimensional fairy houses!

Fused Art Glass artist Heidi Brown created new pieces just for this event. Brown demonstrates her whimsical and western flair by incorporating rustic and repurposed metal items with fused glass. These beautiful pieces can be enjoyed inside your home or in the garden. Each piece is one of a kind. For the Love of Scotts, an admiration for Scottish terriers, is made from an antique weathervane and fused glass. It stands 28.5 x 24 inches. Although very sturdy, the piece also moves! Another piece, Sunriver Wilderness (11 x 16.5-inch fused glass panel), captures the beauty of the local scenery — especially when the light shines through the piece.

Dottie Moniz creates collage-like paintings that include the most beautiful fabrics. One of her newest pieces, Peaceful Woods (12 x 24-inches), really captures the essence of the forest and the night sky. Another landscape piece, Still Waters (18 x 24-inches), inspires an overwhelming sense of calm.

Potter Diane Miyauchi provides pieces at two opposite ends of the pottery spectrum. At one end are her incredibly beautiful, but functional pottery pieces. Each piece is unique, but a consistent use of glazes allows them to be utilized as a piece of a set. At the other end of the spectrum are Miyauchi’s Raku art pieces that are purely eye-catching sculptural pieces of art. The Raku glazing process produces stunning results that always surprise and delight!

The Artists’ Galley is open daily from 10am-5pm. It is in The Village at Sunriver, Building 19 (next door to the Mexican cuisine restaurant). • 541-593-4382

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